Resources Catalogue
Energy Information Administration
DOE/EIAThe best source of oil, gas and other energy information on the web. Direct links to some of their data and articles are below.
International| Petroleum | Natural Gas | Total Energy
News and History
Monthly Chronology
Chronology of World Oil Market Events 1970 - 2000
25th Anniversary of the 1973 Oil Embargo > > International petroleum news portal.
This Week in Petroleum | Natural Gas Weekly Update | Country Analysis Briefs
OPEC Fact Sheet Has frequent updates
U.S. Natural Gas Markets: Mid-Term Prospects
for Natural Gas Supply- Excellent
Testimony on The Effect of the Enron Bankruptcy on the Functioning of Energy Markets
Short-Term Outlook
International Energy Outlook 2001
Annual U.S. Energy Outlook 2002
Monthly Energy Review | International Petroleum Monthly
Others organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) publications. Includes full-text annual reports, bulletins and a limited number of reports free of charge. A quarterly academic journal, OPEC Review, covers energy economics, and is available by subscription. The organization also offers an option to purchase online access to individual articles from the journal. An advanced search feature allows one to search the entire site or restrict the search to individual publications. |